Some Considerations for your teenager

Are they caught up in the competitive nature of high school sports or travel teams and feel they are not getting enough playing time? Are they not enjoying the experience anymore and not sure what to do?

We create shifts by focusing on what they can control, their thoughts, actions, attitude and effort. Being optimal with your patterns of thought that lead to optimal states of being.

Are you afraid of whatever decisions they make, will not be the right one?

We argue over reality and we think our position is right. It’s not worth being right all the time and having a bad relationship. Instead of trying to be right, focus on connecting.

I’d like to understand what makes sense to him/her about this, what he or she is trying to get across to me, and what he or she is not seeing that would help them.

Do you wish they had more confidence within themselves?

Confidence can be learned and trained. Confidence comes from what we say to ourselves, Self-Talk. We are allowed to make mistakes. We can learn from them and key steps is to have credible self-talk that is rooted in: Experiences that give you the right to say, “I can do difficult things.”

Do you want your teen to find ways to maximize their performance?

We work on investing in the quality of your thinking patterns, habits. Investing in the quality of your inner life. About “Being” more first and letting the “doing” flow from there.

Would you like to have someone to help you to discover how to expand your teens thinking in order to; think bigger, dream bigger, hold them accountable without judgement?

Giving them space and room to explore whatever their interest may be without judgement. They have to be responsible for their actions. Teaching them through creating the right environment for learning. By modeling responsible behavior through our own actions. By helping them gain an understanding of “Responsibility” and by allowing them to experience how responsible and irresponsible actions affect one’s life.  

Do they feel they are not being heard by you or their peers?

How good are you at validating what they are going through and understanding their perception of a given situation even if you do not agree with it?